12–16 oct. 2025
Université Sétif1- Ferhat ABBAS
Fuseau horaire Africa/Algiers


Conference Topics :

The 3rd International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging and Nuclear Medicine (ICSRI-2025) will held for the second time at the University of Sétif1 and will provide an international forum for discussing current research and developments in the domain of radiation imaging and applications that includes all kind of medical and industrial techniques.


 Track 1:  Medical Physics

Track 2:  Radiation Imaging Methods and Systems

Track  3:  Radiation Imaging Simulation and Modeling

Track  4:  Molecular Imaging and Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, SPECT/CT, PET/CT, PET/MR, etc)

Track  5:  Dosimetry in Radiation Imaging

Track  6:   Advanced Imaging Methods (Image Reconstruction, Artificial Intelligence, Radiomics, Theragnostics, etc)

Track  7: Image Processing and Data Analysis

Track  8:  Quality control in Radiation Imaging