Democratic and Popular Algerian Republic
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Setif 1 University Ferhat ABBAS
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Physics
Laboratory of Dosing, Analysis and Characterization in high resolution
With great pleasure, the Organizing Committee announces the first call for abstracts submission and school application for the third International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging and Nuclear Medicine (ICSRI-2025), to be held at Ferhat Abbas-Seitf1 University, in Sétif, Algeria, from 12 to 16 October, 2025. The conference is supported by the Algerian Atomic Energy Commission (COMENA).
The conference will include plenary sessions with conferences presented by eminent scientists, and orally and in poster sessions covering the different conference topics.
The invited talks are chosen to review recent advances in different areas covered by the conference.
The conference will be followed by a three (3) days school for medical physicists, doctorate students and newly qualified academics and researchers in the field of Medical Physics (20 participants max.). The program of the school will include lectures and practical sessions on:
1. Fundamentals of Dosimetry and Quality Control,
2. Advanced Dosimetry and Quality Control Techniques,
3. Clinical Applications and Future Perspectives.
Le dépôt des articles est ouvert
You can submit a paper for reviewing.