Participants are invited to submit research papers with in the conference themes according to the following conditions :
Submission: Full papers should be submitted via Word format & PDF format. Do not submit zip files.
Language: Papers may be submitted in Arabic, English, or French with abstracts at least in two languages.
Peer Review: All submissions will undergo double-blind peerreview by the conference scientific committee.
- Arabic papers: font size 14 SimplifiedArabic.
- English & French papers: Font size 12 Times New Roman.
- Citation Style : American Psychological Association 6th Edition (APA).
- Maximum paper length: 20 pages.
- Originality: Previously accepted conference papers or papers accepted for journal publication are not eligible.
- Presentation Format : Accepted research papers will be presented in person at the conference venue.
- Do not include the authors’ names in the main submission of the paper.